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/Level Designer

/Level Design

-Game designer and Level designer on the game (march to october 2015 )


- 3D Plateformer in a burlesque universe


-Two levels developed: one of the main level and a tutorial level


- Open level with several paths


- Level playing on the verticality with many kind of puzzle









- CTF level (Capture The Flag) created for 6 vs 6 players


- Asymmetric but balanced level design, every team has their own strength and weaknessesto progress to the other base


- Level Design that uses the verticality proposing different paths, each of them has advantages and disadvantages.


- The architecture of the level and its lighting guides every team towards the opponent's base.

-Level design of a open level, beginning of a Dark Souls III DLC ( we admit that the player knows as well the mechanics of the game) to 30min of gameplay


-Open level, vertical and that offer many ways to access to the boss battle and the end of the level.


-I worked of the staging, the architecture of the places, the environmental storytelling and the lighting like in the Souls series to lead the player, give a meaning to several places and tell the story of the level


-Working of the Challenge/Reward that make the serie fame.


- Introduction famous sequences and mechanics of the Souls serie (mimics, Darkness zonz, equilibrium sequences, secret ways, shortcuts,...)

- Tribute sequences to the various episodes without becoming an  invasive reference





-Game designer and Level designer of the game (production in  35 heures in team of 6 persons)


- Game jam thematic: Surrealism / source of reality


- 3D Runner in a surrealist universe


- Two levels developed (on seven): the first and the third


- goal: going to the end of each level, the player only control the jump of the avatar Each transition bring somewhere in the level without the player knowing where. The player can use a "glide" that slowing the avatar during a jump but increase the distance of the jump










- Designed on Hammer instead of Puzzle Maker.


- Interconnection of the different rooms and the different puzzles.


- Dynamic puzzles combining various gameplay elements and mechanics.


- The player transports one and then two cubes in the different rooms and the different puzzles.


- The level focuses on the logic and the observation of the player and introduce a backtracking dimension between rooms.




- The level design was made with sketchup, the goal was to create a level that we imagined to be in  the real game Batman Arkham Knight.


- Presentation in front of the real level designers of the game.


- Crescendo pace and tension (a slow beginning in stealth and a fast and spectacular final with fights).


- Work on the Artistic staging and the storytelling to hang on even more the player.


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